
Telephone townhalls aren’t just for campaigns. 

Elected officials should be constantly communicating with constituents, and a powerful and effective way to do that is with a telephone townhall.

A recent group dialed out to 15,000 people and had 1,200 join the call for an average of 15 minutes.

When is the last time 1,200 people showed up to your listening post at the coffee shop on a Saturday morning? You’ll reach hundreds, if not thousands, of constituents who may not have the time or motivation to attend an in-person event, but are certainly motivated to vote next year.

When it comes to telephone townhalls, the opportunities are endless. You can share useful information, answer questions from the audience, collect email addresses, and valuable poll data.

Of course there are many ways to reach your constituents, but with the experts at CampaignHQ, you’ll have a whole team, right at your fingertips. We will train your team, draft your line-by-line, and maximize participation via text and automated call invitations. You’ll have access to live screeners, and our data team can help with your lists and return valuable data back to you after the event.

We believe you shouldn’t have to spend your valuable time doing it all yourself. 

We have put together a Re-Election Protection Package that utilizes our expertise in data, coalition building, and direct voter contact to help you:

√ Stay in touch with constituents

√ Strengthen your name ID with voters

√ Turnout supporters to your events

√ Share legislative accomplishments

Give us a call to get started today. We know that the work you do today will make your re-election easier and we’re here to help.