
If you don’t have a plan for your constituent outreach, you’re already behind. 

Don’t worry – we can help. 

Whether you’re using a franked budget or your campaign funds, as an elected official, you need to maintain ongoing, two-way communication with those you serve.

Firstly, we can help you reach a large audience with telephone townhalls, text messaging, and automated calls. We’ll help you maximize participation, obtain actionable data, opt-ins, and achieve big results.

Clearly what’s better than winning a close race is winning by a landslide. The work you do today will make your re-election easier. 


Telephone townhalls are a powerful and effective way to communicate with thousands of constituents by phone and online streaming. You’ll be able to collect valuable data, including opt-ins, use poll questions and live screeners. We will train your team, draft your line-by-line, and maximize participation via text and automated call invitations. 


With a text message, you are able to alert constituents to issues in the district. Additionally, you can provide updates about legislation, as well as highlight valuable services provided by your office. Texting can connect you to constituents right where they are through video, image, and GIF. You can even track who clicked your links. 


Automated calls are a cost-effective option to quickly and affordably reach thousands of constituents. You can best use this service to invite constituents to your next townhall event, share a 30-second update on important legislation, or even poll constituents to get their opinion.

Undoubtedly, you should be getting the most out of your franked budget by letting the experts at CampaignHQ help you maintain ongoing, two-way communication with those you serve.

If you’e ready to get started, contact us to get started on a constituent outreach plan today.